Olive Scud
Scuds are pretty much transparent little creatures. They take on their colour from the stuff they have eaten. What you actually see is the coloration in their intestine. I kid you not. So, scuds that are feeding on dark olive plant matter will have a dark olive hue to them, those that at munching down on tan items, will in turn have a tan hue about them. If the scuds are chewing down on Chinese food, you can guarantee they will be back on the feed in less than an hour. Actually if you think about it, taking on the color of your food rather smart. If you take on the color of the stuff you are eating, it sure as heck is going to camouflage and hide you from your predators. Many anglers believe that scuds are herbivores or veganivores content to graze on weeds and plants, but they are not. They are omnivores and will have a go at just about anything that comes their way including dead fish. They will pack-up and bring down water boatmen, midges and smaller insect nymphs like damselflies.