Traveling Guide
Here at Grouse Haven Wingshooting, we understand that clients can’t always travel to their wingshooting destinations every year. So, for the past few years, Grouse Haven Wingshooting has traveled to other parts of Maine and some places on the east coast to help assist clients with their bird hunting experiences.
In addition, I know unfortunate events can arise pre or post bird season for guides and outfitters as well. It can quickly become a very stressful situation when dogs or employees are injured leaving an outfitter unable to operate at full capacity.
Whether you are an avid bird hunter looking for a guide to travel to you, or an outfitter looking to temporarily employ a guide, you can contact me on our website www.grousehavenwingshooting.com
We can discuss payments and areas you’d like to hunt.
My dogs and I will make sure you have a memorable experience.
-Michael Browning